Wednesday, February 10, 2010

UFC Dream Matches

Champion vs.Champion – B.J. Penn vs. Benson Henderson

Penn has been the best in the division for quite some time and at age 31 has shown no signs of slowing down. His only loss at 155 wasto Jens Pulver over 8 years ago. Penn has gone from being “The Prodigy” to “The King.” Yet, since then the entire Lightweight landscape has change and Baby Jay has been the Lightweight Champ since his win over Joe“Daddy” Stevenson via Rear Naked Choke at UFC 80: Rapid Fire. The next coming of the Lightweight divisionis upon us and he will be the one to dethrone Penn. His name is Benson Henderson and the 26-year-old WEC Champ is ready to take his game to the next level. This would truly be a dream match and something to look forward to, possibly in 2011.

Champion vs.Champion – Anderson Silva vs. Georges St. Pierre
This would possibly be the biggest PPV buy and the most anticipated bout in UFC history. The two very best in the sport would be going head-to-head in the octagon. Canada’s Georges“Rush” St. Pierre, Brazil’s Anderson “The Spider” Silva, who will be P4P King? Something tells me that this fight will take place, probably Silva’s last fight of his UFC career. St. Pierre and Silva are two of the most respected fighters to ever step foot into the octagon and would only further their legacies with a fight like this. GSP’s wrestling would effect the Brazilian and wear him down, but in the end Silva’sMuay Thai clinic (just ask RichFranklin) would prove to be superior. Hence, “The Spider” would take this bout by split decision and end his career undefeated, ending the greatest career in UFC history. There wouldn’t beenough Vaseline in the world for GSP to come out of this one victorious, although it would bean incredibly close decision. Yet, even in defeat, GSP would be handed the torch.

FrankMir vs. Antonio Rodrigo Minotauro Nogueira II
Frank Mir may have caught Minotauro at a favorable time in late 2008 in their bout as TUF coaches. Big Nog was facing a staph infection and Mir made quick work of him in his hometown of Las Vegas. This was Nog’s only lossin the octagon and he’s looked for retribution on the cool, cocky and confident Mir ever since. These are the two top submission heavyweights in the UFC and a 2nd meeting is absolutely necessary at some point in 2011. Hopefully the title picture can clear up after Lesnar’s return fight; the expected title unification summer showdown with either Mir or Shane Carwin. I could see Nog receiving a better fate in a rematch than he did in their 1st bout.


Champion vs. Champion – Fedor Emelianenko vs. Brock Lesnar

The top 2 Heavyweights inthe entire world in the same…OCTAGON! Fedor brushed Dana White and the UFC aside during the summer in favor of rival Strikeforce. “The Last Emperor” may very well be the greatest fighter in history, yet has never stepped foot inthe 8-sided cage before, therefore he has not faced the best possible competition. Lesnar is the best that the UFC has to offer and is a freakish athlete. A fight like this would be UFC’s equivalent to Pacquiao-Mayweather, if that one ever takes place. Fedor would take Lesnar to the ground in this epic duel and most likely eat him up in that position, forcing the UFC Champ to tap for a 2nd time in his young career. Mir would have the best chance at defeating Fedor due to his ground expertise, even though Lesnar is the better, more obvious PPV draw.

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